Would you like to know more about quidditch or the Wageningen Werewolves? Fill in the contact form or get in touch with us through our other channels!
De website is nu alleen nog in het Engels beschikbaar, maar stel je vragen aan ons gerust in het Nederlands.
Confidential Contact Person (VCP)
If you want to mention undesirable behaviour to a neutral person outside of the association you can contact a confidant at
You can also find confidential contact persons at Sports Centre Bongerd. Currently they are: Ingi Alofs, Ellen van Kalsbeek, Tijmen van Oostenbrugge and Casper Helling.
Emergency protocol Sports Centre de Bongerd
The SWU Thymos Board also has their own confidential persons whom you can contact. The contact persons for 2023 – 2024 are Kjell Tolsma and Floor Venemans. They can be contacted through
The Wageningen Werewolves regularly give workshops to, for example, study or student associations. Email us at with your inquiries.

We would like to thank Bruggeling Quidditch Photography and YV Photography for allowing us to use their photos.
Monday 20.30 – 22.00h
Wednesday 20.00 – 22.00h